Almaden Minerals &
The Ixtaca Silver-Gold Deposit

The Ixtaca Silver-Gold deposit is a multi-million ounce deposit in Puebla State, Mexico discovered by Almaden’s exploration team. After a decade of extensive drilling, a 2018 Feasibility Study demonstrated proven and probable reserves of 85,159,00 ounces of silver and 1,387,000 ounces of gold.

Almaden Minerals has a proven record of discovery, over 50 years of entrepreneurship, and a long-term commitment to socially-beneficial and sustainable mineral development. At Almaden, we strongly believe mineral development should both create wealth and foster lasting social benefits.



“Almaden is committed to improving the quality of life for the communities with which we work.” 

— Morgan Poliquin, President of Almaden


What makes Ixtaca a great deposit?

Excellent geology. Cutting-edge technology. Environmental stewardship. Community engagement, dialogue, & support.


Recent News

September 21, 2022
Almaden Signs New and Expanded Cooperation Agreements with Ixtaca Project Host Community Groups

Community Updates:
Voices From Ixtacamaxtitlán

Videos from the people of Ixtacamaxtitlan